Bucks County Bytes

Donna Roggio: From Bucks County to Ibiza to Fierce Financials & Organization

March 15, 2021 Donna Roggio: Fierce Financials & Organization - From Bucks to Ibiza to Fierce Financials

Bucks County Bytes is so happy to bring in Donna Roggio, a Bucks County resident that actually sold her salon and moved to an amazing island called Ibiza!! Now that my friends is one courageous and daring move!

Donna is one amazing business-minded woman! When she sets out to do something she sticks with the plan, makes the right decisions, and focuses on the tasks at hand, and accomplishes it...and that brings us to why we are having her on Bucks County Bytes.

Donna Roggio may have sold her salon, moved to Ibiza, but she moved back to Bucks County as she has an amazing business and course workshop that so many must hear about. She was able to put together a course workshop called Fierce Financials & Organization and has implemented this into a 3-month course for so many across the country and across the world!

Donna's course, The Beauty Business Coach, where she has a 3-month course called Fierce Financials & Organization, Salon Success Money Map, and Stylist vs Suite, and nothing is stopping her as she has tremendous reviews and successful women that are following her 3-month course!

Make sure to check out Donna Roggio right here on Bucks County Bytes and contact her with any questions you may have!

Thank you Donna for a wonderful zoom podcast on your end, and my audio on my ZoomH6!

Donna Roggio links -



The Beauty Business Coach

Donna Roggio
The Beauty Business Coach


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